Fabiola Gonzalez, as Guillermo Montero put it, your response does a great job of explaining the situation. Perhaps the solution is to send Caitlin Johnstone to live in Venezuela for a couple of months with the money a typical Venezuelan lives on right now, and see if she still thinks it’s all a US conspiracy? Then she’d see that Venezuelans have to stand in line for hours for food (only to get the front and there not be any). They have to fear illness because if you get sick there is no medecine. They have to fear the police because they could beat you and lock you up in the Helicoide if you dare to go out in the streets to protest. They have to rely on social media or foreign channels for news because the state controls the local media and they only run fake news. I could go on…..
This is not about left vs right. Venezuela is run by a criminal narco-regime that is robbing the country blind.
Anyone interested in Venezuela should take a look at this fantastic documentary: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=T_ayIEJCPQ0 (but I’m sure Caitlin Johnstone will say the director and all those interviewed — from the UN, Spanish presidents, Latin American presidents, etc — are all right-wing propagandists).