It is a shame that the politicians cannot agree on a more permanent solution for storing the spent fuel. There are plenty of feasible technical solutions, just not the political will to implement them. I find it amazing that all the spent fuel ever produced by US nuclear plants could fit inside a single Walmart….decades of providing masses of clean energy with such a small waste stream…and no one has ever been hurt by nuclear waste. 80,000 tonnes of waste sounds like a lot but it’s tiny when you think that more than 100 million tons of coal ash and other waste products are produced by coal-fired power plants in the United States every year…and that’s without including the CO2, nitrous oxides, arsenic and mercury they are spewing out as well. What are your thoughts on how we can get politicians to agree on at least an interim central storage location, and on how the public can be convinced that nuclear is not so bad as they thought?